For those students who wish to compete in addition to their traditional training, we offer specialized instruction in Sport Martial Arts. Led by 3-time World Fighting Champion Bret Gordon, our students have been a force to be reckoned with on all levels of competition.
Our tournament team has an established reputation as "fighters," with our students taking home championships in everything from Point Fighting and Kickboxing to Grappling and Sport Jujutsu (Amateur MMA). Below you will find a list of our competitors that have won on various tournament circuits ranging from local events to world championships. Keep in mind that we are no longer a tournament-based school. However for those wanting to compete, private instruction and coaching is available. |
Title Champions
Mike Droske
WMAG World Point Fighting Champion ISKA World Sport Jujutsu Champion FPCKE Nat'l Point Fighting Champion Dillan Thomson
BLITZ State Point Fighting Champion |